A Documentary about Nerds, Geeks, Dorks and the Hip-Hop they make
The term ?Nerdcore? refers to both a sub-genre of hip-
hop music that is created by self-professed nerds and
to the subculture that has grown out of that style of
music. The subject matter covered in Nerdcore Hip-
Hop is diverse but generally songs focus on interests
that in the past, mainstream America would consider
geeky such as video games, computer programming,
cult films, the internet, anime, comic books and science
and technology. ?The predominant theme behind the
Nerdcore movement is one of Nerd Pride and
Empowerment. ?It seems likely that in the new
millennium, Nerdcore will grow to reflect the dominant
cultural attitude towards the intellectual and
imaginative individuals known as nerds. ?In the past
geeks and nerds were the exception to the rule but
today most Americans under 40 have at least one
?geeky? hobby or interest. ?As these interests become
more socially acceptable nerds are becoming serious
contributors to, and consumers of, modern pop culture. ?
As such, the stigma that has long been associated with
nerdy pursuits is falling away and it is being replaced
by a new feeling of nerd acceptance. ?This new found
respect for nerd culture has created an environment in
which geeks and nerds felt free enough to express
themselves in the manner of their choosing; in this
case, Hip Hop.
The attraction that rap has for nerds was summed up in
an article from the October 2005 issue of XXL
?For all of Hip-Hop?s mainstream success in bum-
rushing mainstream American culture, it?s still an
inspiration to those on the outmost fringes of society. ?
Revolutionaries, criminals, misfits and the otherwise
voiceless have long found rap a potent medium of
expression. ?The latest such group to use Hip-Hop as a
means of communication may also be one of the least
likely - computer nerds.?

Among fans of the genre it is widely agreed upon that
these conditions must be met to define an artist as
Content- Nerdcore artists cover many topics but for
the most part their work usually focuses on different
aspects of geek life.
Acceptance- A nerdcore rapper accepts the fact that
they are a geek or nerd and makes no apologies for it.
Nerd Pride- The boasting that is found in mainstream
hip-hop exists in Nerdcore Hip-Hop as well. ?
?Fronting? in Nerdcore is in part satire of traditional
hip-hop but is also a sincere effort to emulate the
Technology- Nerdcore hip hop has a strong Do It
Yourself ethic. ?The music is usually created with tools
available to consumers and beats are typically
Distribution- ?Nerdcore albums cannot be found in
record stores. ?Most of the music is made available for
free download on-line. ?Some Nerdcore rappers do sell
CDs of their work but these sales are usually done via
the Internet.
Self-Identification- ?Nerdcore is consider to be an
"Opt-in" genre. ?Not only must a Nerdcore artist
embrace their nerdiness, they must embrace the term
"Nerdcore." ?Therefore, hip-hop artists who rap about
geeky or intellectual things are not considered to be
part of the genre unless they refer to themselves or
their style of music as "Nerdcore." ?
For More information about Nerdcore, check out
the following websites:
Wikipedia Entry for Nerdcore Hip-Hop:
Nerdcore Hip-Hop Fan and Artist's Forums:
Rhymetorrents Nerdcore Hip-Hop compilation CDs:
Nerdcore Hip-Hop News Site: