Support Independent Film.  Donate to Nerdcore For Life!
This documentary would not be possible without the outrageous
generosity of the artists being profiled and the boundless
dedication of the filmmakers working behind the camera.

All artists featured in
Nerdcore For Life! are appearing for free.  
Filmmakers across North America are volunteering their time
and equipment to shoot local Nerdcore artists in their area.  They
deserve to see their work reach it's fullest potential.  Your
donation will help to both deepen the scope of the film by
allowing for additional shooting dates and ensure that finished
product is able to reach the widest audience possible.

The costs of DVD packaging and replication, film festival entry
fees and the creation of press packets and other supporting
materials will likely prove more expensive than the actual
production of the entire film.

You can help get Project: Nerdcore seen.  All donations will be
greatly appreciated and if you wish you will receive a
"Thank You" credit at the end of the film.

If you wish to contribute please use the PayPal button below or
contact us at

Click on the Paypal button to make a secure donation.